Kalenjin Wedding (courtesy)

4 reasons Kalenjins rarely intermarry

A cousin [a brother rather] had lost a wife. People were being exhorted to contribute to funeral expenses. The trouble was that she did not come from our tribe and there a few ‘rituals’ to be conducted before she could be buried among her husband’s people. RECOMMENDED: Why Kalenjin men are ever rooted in marrying Kalenjin women The conversation degenerated into why we should marry ‘within,’ … Continue reading 4 reasons Kalenjins rarely intermarry

Kalenjin Proverbs and translation

Inetkee Kalewenoik ab Kalenjin

1. Aechin iwot ak kemei Flood and drought seasons have canceling effects. 2. Ame chi tugul kitab kuiyandanyin A person must enjoy the fruit of his sweat and toil 3. Ameiiku kiptoben kuto  Be always be quick to exploit any available opportunity to avoid future requests 4. Aechin kibananoi ak kipkunyuk All proffesions are of equal importance in society 5. Chepkisas ko tatun kechome  The … Continue reading Inetkee Kalewenoik ab Kalenjin

setiot plant

Big blow to kipsigis Circumcision “setiot plant”

The Setiot plant takes 8 to 10 years to grow and flower. The flowering takes 3 years, and flower once and die. Initiation ceremonies are said to have never taken place in the second year after the flowering of Setiot. The plant was associated with bad omens of illness and death of the old this is why Kipsigis took a very long time to circumcise … Continue reading Big blow to kipsigis Circumcision “setiot plant”


3 things you can never miss in a Kalenjin wedding

Kalenjin weddings in the past were so typical, they were full of extra fun and extraordinary crowds just turning up to witness the union. Weddings were made uniting sports as people all over the village came to feast as they match up the couples starting their life together. These days, due to the advancement of technology and living in tax regime era, many Kalenjins have … Continue reading 3 things you can never miss in a Kalenjin wedding


4 things that shaped kalenjin kids as they mature

As a kid, the potential to commit mischief, even setting fire to houses, was infinite. The parents those days had a field day disciplining us, and it was not just them, even strangers were allowed to discipline you, for you belonged to the community. On the other hand, parents found a way of deterring us from committing certain misdemeanors, perhaps because they always were not … Continue reading 4 things that shaped kalenjin kids as they mature

Kalenjin Heritage

understanding Kalenjin initiation rites

Tuumwek (initiation rites) There are several main events, rites of passage, in the life of a Kalenjin. The first of these events was birth which included the naming ceremony. At this time one became a member of a family. The second was puberty when one shifted from the status of a child to an adult; this marked the end of childhood and the start of … Continue reading understanding Kalenjin initiation rites

Kipsigis Dancers.

kipsigis people; origin, history, and beliefs

Population – 2,371,000 Main Language – Kipsigis Largest Religion – Christianity(97.00%) Christian- 97.00% Introduction / History It is believed that the Kipsigis originated from the north, and were originally part of the Pharaoh’s army in Egypt. They became concerned that Pharaoh was not able to win wars reliably, so they parted ways, with an “us against the world” attitude. They started pushing south, raiding villages for women, cattle and … Continue reading kipsigis people; origin, history, and beliefs

Kalenjin Women

sacred number four origin in Kalenjin

If there is a sacred number in Kalenjin, it is Number Four(Ang’wan). Why did ancient Kalenjin decide that four becomes a sacred number and not 2,3,5,7.9 etc.? The Kalenjin from time immemorial have been guided by Nature and surroundings. Nature is from Kalenjin Netoror(Asis/God). When the ancient Kalenjins(Ancient Egyptians) observed the universe, they realized that the world had four directions-North, West, East and South. He … Continue reading sacred number four origin in Kalenjin


things to know about a typical Kalenjin man

How about if all of us were humble? Kalenjin our home, konyon nebo kaming’inetabkee Eliud Kipchoge’s humility and his down to earth nature are typically Kalenjin and African. When asked whether he was going to break the world record, he simply said, “ I will strive to lower my personal best’. He never bragged that he was going to break the marathon record.Kalenjin nature demands … Continue reading things to know about a typical Kalenjin man

Kalenjin People visit

2 main things you have to Mind before you visit a Kalenjin home

Kalenjin are best when it comes to hospitality and research has not yielded any fruits regarding where they got this mysteriously hospitality degrees. Any visitor to a Kalenjin family receives a five-star reception as visitors are accorded to bring blessings upon the family. There are also a good number of things that one should consider first before paying a visit to a Kalenjin home either … Continue reading 2 main things you have to Mind before you visit a Kalenjin home

Proud To Be Kalenjin

5 things you can’t-miss in a Kalenjin home

Kalenjin are that kind of preservative people, once they believe in something they can never let go of it so easily. There are many beliefs Kalenjins still preserve to date and can never go against it. There a good number of things that you can never miss to find in a Kalenjin home. These things are almost common and maybe relates back to history. Sotonik … Continue reading 5 things you can’t-miss in a Kalenjin home

Kalenjin People

Kalenjin People

The Kalenjin people are a Nilotic group inhabiting most parts of Rift Valley province. The Kalenjin people are estimated to number a little over 4.9 million individuals as per the Kenyan 2009 census. Kalenjin in Kenya is divided into the Kipsigis, Nandi, Keiyo, Marakwet, Sabaot, Pokots, Tugen, Terik and Ogiek/Dorobo. They are an ethnic group with linguistic and cultural similarities. Kalenjin Traditional Way Of Life Be sure to read: Mursik making process. Kalenjin way. … Continue reading Kalenjin People


the authentic method of preparing mursik

 REQUIREMENTS: √ Calabashes/Gourds.(sotonik) √ Iteet (smoldering dry sticks of Senetweet/Kosisitiet). √ Sosioot (two kinds: – one for cleaning the Calabashes/Gourds; and – the other for grinding the smoldering sticks of Iteet on the inside surfaces of the Calabashes/Gourds.) √ Fresh Milk (which has been boiled and allowed to cool). PROCEDURE: √ Place the Iteet (smoldering dry sticks of Senetweet/ Kosisitiet) into the Calabashes/Gourds, and grind … Continue reading the authentic method of preparing mursik