Kalenjin Wedding (courtesy)

4 reasons Kalenjins rarely intermarry

A cousin [a brother rather] had lost a wife. People were being exhorted to contribute to funeral expenses. The trouble was that she did not come from our tribe and there a few ‘rituals’ to be conducted before she could be buried among her husband’s people. RECOMMENDED: Why Kalenjin men are ever rooted in marrying Kalenjin women The conversation degenerated into why we should marry ‘within,’ … Continue reading 4 reasons Kalenjins rarely intermarry

Msupa S & Propesa

things you should expect when you meet a Kalenjin chic in town



Kalenjin chics have recorded some very crazy things that they do when in town with a camouflaged behaviour back in the reserve. Kalenjin girls are really beautiful with most having dark skins formerly known as black beauty. 

With all best attributes are given to these Kalenjin ladies rocking the world making them a big eye for Wife Material qualities. many people just see Kalenjins as athletes and are bound to run when they like but its all one of the annoying questions Kalenjins are asked.




Naskia Kikalee but sijui kuongea.

This is a big thing for Kalenjin chics when they there fellow Kalenjins who are probably Kalee talk addicts. These group of girls are good listeners to Kalee but they never talk, probably don’t like talking or they feel embarrassed.

They rarely borrow cash.

kalenjin chics are so typical, a good number of the never ask for money from their hustling boy-friends. Even if the guy is working they rarely ask for money, they wait for you to give when you wish but can never ask for it.


They eat anything.

This is the most amazing pact about Kalenjin chics. They never choose what to eat, they take what is available.

They are super loyal.

So long as you’re a real man, any girl will stand by your side. But Kalenjins take it to a whole other level. They’re not just loyal to you—they will ride or die for you.

If you’re in a verbal or physical confrontation, she’s got your back and will (loudly) convey this to your assailant(s). She will also dutifully assist you, often unsolicited, with whatever it is you’re doing—legal or otherwise.

Continue reading “things you should expect when you meet a Kalenjin chic in town”

why Kalenjins rarely stay in major cities

A while back, I came across a meme that made fun of the Kalenjin community, although in a light manner depending on how you see it. It said that the only Kalenjins you find in the city, Nairobi for example, are civil servants, those in the discipline forces, and students. They forgot about those in white collar jobs scattered around the city. READ ALSO: TRUTH … Continue reading why Kalenjins rarely stay in major cities

Kipsigis Dancers.

kipsigis people; origin, history, and beliefs

Population – 2,371,000 Main Language – Kipsigis Largest Religion – Christianity(97.00%) Christian- 97.00% Introduction / History It is believed that the Kipsigis originated from the north, and were originally part of the Pharaoh’s army in Egypt. They became concerned that Pharaoh was not able to win wars reliably, so they parted ways, with an “us against the world” attitude. They started pushing south, raiding villages for women, cattle and … Continue reading kipsigis people; origin, history, and beliefs

Kalenjin Women

sacred number four origin in Kalenjin

If there is a sacred number in Kalenjin, it is Number Four(Ang’wan). Why did ancient Kalenjin decide that four becomes a sacred number and not 2,3,5,7.9 etc.? The Kalenjin from time immemorial have been guided by Nature and surroundings. Nature is from Kalenjin Netoror(Asis/God). When the ancient Kalenjins(Ancient Egyptians) observed the universe, they realized that the world had four directions-North, West, East and South. He … Continue reading sacred number four origin in Kalenjin


4 notable things about Kalenjin moms

Kalenjins moms for a long time have been described with all the sweet words and even rewarded for being the best in all aspects. Kalenjin moms are not just outspoken as the best but Kalenjin men know it and that’s why they always say ” karan lakwet ab kaa weee’. KALENJIN MOM.      1. Caring. Kalenjin moms are said to have an inbuilt caring … Continue reading 4 notable things about Kalenjin moms


things to know about a typical Kalenjin man

How about if all of us were humble? Kalenjin our home, konyon nebo kaming’inetabkee Eliud Kipchoge’s humility and his down to earth nature are typically Kalenjin and African. When asked whether he was going to break the world record, he simply said, “ I will strive to lower my personal best’. He never bragged that he was going to break the marathon record.Kalenjin nature demands … Continue reading things to know about a typical Kalenjin man

Kalenjin People visit

2 main things you have to Mind before you visit a Kalenjin home

Kalenjin are best when it comes to hospitality and research has not yielded any fruits regarding where they got this mysteriously hospitality degrees. Any visitor to a Kalenjin family receives a five-star reception as visitors are accorded to bring blessings upon the family. There are also a good number of things that one should consider first before paying a visit to a Kalenjin home either … Continue reading 2 main things you have to Mind before you visit a Kalenjin home

Proud To Be Kalenjin

5 things you can’t-miss in a Kalenjin home

Kalenjin are that kind of preservative people, once they believe in something they can never let go of it so easily. There are many beliefs Kalenjins still preserve to date and can never go against it. There a good number of things that you can never miss to find in a Kalenjin home. These things are almost common and maybe relates back to history. Sotonik … Continue reading 5 things you can’t-miss in a Kalenjin home

Kalenjin People

Kalenjin People

The Kalenjin people are a Nilotic group inhabiting most parts of Rift Valley province. The Kalenjin people are estimated to number a little over 4.9 million individuals as per the Kenyan 2009 census. Kalenjin in Kenya is divided into the Kipsigis, Nandi, Keiyo, Marakwet, Sabaot, Pokots, Tugen, Terik and Ogiek/Dorobo. They are an ethnic group with linguistic and cultural similarities. Kalenjin Traditional Way Of Life Be sure to read: Mursik making process. Kalenjin way. … Continue reading Kalenjin People