Kalenjin traditional huts [Source/tripadvisor.com]

How Kalenjins embody Julius Nyerere’s ‘ujamaa’ ideology

As a kid, nothing irked me more than seeing my mother share whatever we had with our neighbors. Worse still on Christmas. We’d slaughter a sheep, and she would give a neighbor who happened to pass by at that moment. The culture of sharing is one of the things that keep the Kalenjins close-knit. Families that are not well off often receive help from others. … Continue reading How Kalenjins embody Julius Nyerere’s ‘ujamaa’ ideology


Design every Kalenjin home never fails to have

Design! Design! Design! This is something that has been embedded in everyone as they go on with there day to day activities. Everyone likes to look classy and different from other people, they just want to be unique and exemplary. Kalenjin designers in the past were self-taught, using anything at hand to come up with something that is adorable using available resources. RECOMMENDED ARTICLE: A man … Continue reading Design every Kalenjin home never fails to have


Kalenjin talking animals

Kalenjin people have been advancing time to having a prowess of keeping pets cows and anything that lives in their household. Visit a Kalenjin family, you can never miss finding a dog, a cat, a cow, chickens, sheep, and even goats.  With this attribute of keeping all these animlas, they have developed a great animal-human language which even times animals don’t understand it but they … Continue reading Kalenjin talking animals


Why Kalenjin men rarely negotiate

Are you a proud Kalenjin? Then you must have been in this situation. Kalenjin people are well known with prowess in athletics and them enrolling in every local race until recently other tribes start complaining that they should just be involved in international races and leave for them these local marathons. They are still revisiting that issue. ALSO READ: Get to know Patoto pa Sweetstar – … Continue reading Why Kalenjin men rarely negotiate

scracher (sabuka)

What a real Kalenjin can never leave behind

Kalenjins are amazing people, they are ever rooted in doing to almost the same thing. being Kalenjin is fun as many things have been rooted back to us from even Olympics where we have shown prowess by bringing a lot to our homeland Kenya. From the famous cheget to sports shoes but we have thrived so well and made it to our advantage. Kalenjins in … Continue reading What a real Kalenjin can never leave behind


Why Kalenjin men are ever rooted in marrying Kalenjin women

Kalenjin people are typical, they are times so choosy when it comes to selecting a life partner as they ever never want to avoid mistakes. Kalenjin people have been ever rooted in marrying, mostly from their backyard which has been praised for many years. You find a campus student graduates get a job and back home to marry a Kalenjin woman. Kalenjins have numerous beliefs … Continue reading Why Kalenjin men are ever rooted in marrying Kalenjin women

Bad Habits

4 bad habits that were common among Kalenjin men

We are known to be the most down to earth people in Kenya. I mean look at our athletes raking in millions of dollars from their track and road exploits around the globe! You don’t even see a single one of them bragging about it. Yet, underneath the veneer of humility lurks habits that you would frown upon. Based on our socialization some of these … Continue reading 4 bad habits that were common among Kalenjin men

Kalenjin Hits

why Kalenjin musicians add greetings to music

Love for music has been growing day in day out. People tend to love music to soothe their hearts when they are depressed or just even for comfort. Kalenjins have not been exceptional with their music ranging from gospel, rumba and even secular. BE SURE TO READ: THREE REASONS BEHIND KALENJINS SPORT-SHOES. A good number of Kalenjins have been attributed to a specific dance style and … Continue reading why Kalenjin musicians add greetings to music


3 reasons behind Kalenjin sports shoes

Kalenjin and sports shoes have been one of the main Kalenjin starter pack. Research reveals that in a group of ten Kalenjins, nine of them have sports shoes on which gives a higher percentage and more sports shoes ratio to other types of shoes. In Nairobi, other tribes have just found a way to pinpoint a Kalenjin even in a crowd by just seeing their … Continue reading 3 reasons behind Kalenjin sports shoes

Msupa S & Propesa

things you should expect when you meet a Kalenjin chic in town



Kalenjin chics have recorded some very crazy things that they do when in town with a camouflaged behaviour back in the reserve. Kalenjin girls are really beautiful with most having dark skins formerly known as black beauty. 

With all best attributes are given to these Kalenjin ladies rocking the world making them a big eye for Wife Material qualities. many people just see Kalenjins as athletes and are bound to run when they like but its all one of the annoying questions Kalenjins are asked.




Naskia Kikalee but sijui kuongea.

This is a big thing for Kalenjin chics when they there fellow Kalenjins who are probably Kalee talk addicts. These group of girls are good listeners to Kalee but they never talk, probably don’t like talking or they feel embarrassed.

They rarely borrow cash.

kalenjin chics are so typical, a good number of the never ask for money from their hustling boy-friends. Even if the guy is working they rarely ask for money, they wait for you to give when you wish but can never ask for it.


They eat anything.

This is the most amazing pact about Kalenjin chics. They never choose what to eat, they take what is available.

They are super loyal.

So long as you’re a real man, any girl will stand by your side. But Kalenjins take it to a whole other level. They’re not just loyal to you—they will ride or die for you.

If you’re in a verbal or physical confrontation, she’s got your back and will (loudly) convey this to your assailant(s). She will also dutifully assist you, often unsolicited, with whatever it is you’re doing—legal or otherwise.

Continue reading “things you should expect when you meet a Kalenjin chic in town”

Annoying Questions To Ask A Kalenjin

5 most annoying questions to as a Kalenjin

There’s a little pride that has sprouted over the past five years among the people from the rift valley, the people of milk, as we would love to call ourselves. Look, we are in government after many years of being in the cold. We blame Baba Moi for getting used to being in government. Tuko serikali a tag we wear courtesy of our very own … Continue reading 5 most annoying questions to as a Kalenjin

Tumbalal Arap Sang

get to know Tumbalal arap sang

Henry Sang popularly known as Tumbalal Arap sang is one of the oldest Kalenjin musicians. He is married to one wife and blessed with seven children and they are settled in Keringet. Thanks to time and change. It has turned the field of art traditionally held ‘road to hell’ into one of the areas of the community’s heroes. A great witness of this change came … Continue reading get to know Tumbalal arap sang


what Kalenjins do when they are not employed

Kalenjin are typical people who rediscover themselves when they are not employed. kalenjins believe that when you don’t work then you don’t deserve to take any food. Kalenjin have major things in common and nearly all of them either ow it or do it. Notably, a good number of Kalenjins don’t stay back in the city after graduation or completing their tasks, they leave the … Continue reading what Kalenjins do when they are not employed

why Kalenjins rarely stay in major cities

A while back, I came across a meme that made fun of the Kalenjin community, although in a light manner depending on how you see it. It said that the only Kalenjins you find in the city, Nairobi for example, are civil servants, those in the discipline forces, and students. They forgot about those in white collar jobs scattered around the city. READ ALSO: TRUTH … Continue reading why Kalenjins rarely stay in major cities


why our mothers lied to us

  Mothers are really powerful and are known to have a high convincing power when it comes to matters family. They are known to times lie so as to keep the family impregnable and avoid problems. Kids were often given perfect lies so as to reduce curiosity among the young generation. Why Kids Believed That Their Siblings Were Dropped From Aeroplanes. Mothers are well known … Continue reading why our mothers lied to us


4 things that shaped kalenjin kids as they mature

As a kid, the potential to commit mischief, even setting fire to houses, was infinite. The parents those days had a field day disciplining us, and it was not just them, even strangers were allowed to discipline you, for you belonged to the community. On the other hand, parents found a way of deterring us from committing certain misdemeanors, perhaps because they always were not … Continue reading 4 things that shaped kalenjin kids as they mature

Kalenjin Heritage

understanding Kalenjin initiation rites

Tuumwek (initiation rites) There are several main events, rites of passage, in the life of a Kalenjin. The first of these events was birth which included the naming ceremony. At this time one became a member of a family. The second was puberty when one shifted from the status of a child to an adult; this marked the end of childhood and the start of … Continue reading understanding Kalenjin initiation rites